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Removing overlays

    "Overlays"....!!! What is this now! Never heard or used it before? You might immediately say "NO"...But, actually all of you have already seen what an overlay is and you have also used it! Now you would say "When!?!?" Well, all of the markers, polylines, polygons that you have created are overlays. Overlays are objects on the map that are tied to latitude/ longitude coordinates, so they move when you drag or zoom the map. Overlays reflect objects that you add to the map to designate points, lines, areas or collection of objects.

    Till now we have seen how to create an overlay. In today's example we will see how to remove an overlay. In this example we will create markers on click. But the difference will be that when you create a new marker, the earlier one will disappear from the map. So at any given time there would only be one single marker on the map! Note that removing the marker does not delete the overlay; it simply removes the overlay from the map.

    Let's head on to the example. You can copy the following code in a text file and save it with .html extension. Now click on this file and it will open up in your default browser and you will see the map in action!

    The code is very simple. You should have no problems in understanding the same. If you have any queries or doubts regarding the code, you can leave a comment or drop me a mail. The output of the above example is as seen in the result section above.


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